2024-09-17 07:10Press release

BRA signs long-term agreement with SAS

ATR 72-600ATR 72-600

BRA has entered into an agreement under which the company will fly on behalf of SAS from the 1st of January 2025, primarily with Arlanda as hub. The agreement is worth around SEK 6 billion and extends over seven years. The partnership means that the aircraft fleet will be expanded, and more pilots and cabin crew will be recruited. BRA will continue to fly all routes as usual with Bromma as main airport until December 2024. 

In recent years, BRA has developed the business area contract flights for tour operators and other airlines, which today accounts for more than half of the business in addition to domestic scheduled flights. The domestic market is significantly smaller than it was before the pandemic, while demand for contract flying has increased, leading to the decision to discontinue scheduled operations. 

This partnership with SAS means that we can both take responsibility for the aviation infrastructure in Sweden, while at the same time strengthening the business in the long term and securing jobs despite a challenging domestic aviation market, says Per G. Braathen, Chairman of the Board and owner of BRA.   


We are now investing in the business area that has the best market conditions. Our focus right now is to fly our customers as usual until the end of the year. From next year, we will fly passengers, but not sell the tickets ourselves, says Ulrika Matsgård, CEO of BRA.  

BRA will adapt the organization based on a streamlining of the business without the unprofitable scheduled operations. The decision means that a notice will be given during the day that affects ground services and administrative functions. At the same time, there will be an expansion of the aircraft fleet and there is a need for recruitment of aircrews. Trade unions and employees are informed.  


BRA, Braathens Regional Airlines, är ett svenskt flygbolag med målet att nå netto-noll utsläpp inrikes 2030 och utrikes 2045. - 2009 blev BRA det första kommersiella flygbolaget att miljöcertifieras enligt ISO14001 - 2018 började BRA erbjuda flygbiljetter med 100% bioflygbränsle - 2021 blev BRA det första flygbolaget i världen att ansluta sig till SBTi (Science Based Target Initiative) - 2022 genomförde BRA världens första kommersiella flygning med 100% bioflygbränsle - 2023 etablerade BRA ett nytt affärsområde med charterflygningar på uppdrag av flera researrangörer. BRA har Sveriges nöjdaste kunder enligt SKI och ägs av det svenska investmentbolaget Braganza och AMF.


BRA Pressjour
BRA Pressjour